Questions and Answers on Valuations
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Over 550 Questions on the Valuations of Businesses, Company Shares, Equity, Intellectual Property, Brands, Goodwill and Commercial and Investment Property including Special Valuation Cases, Answered!
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Practical answers and explanations to a selection of over 550 Questions and Answers on the Valuations of Businesses, Intellectual Property, Goodwill, Brands, Company Shares, Equity, Commercial and Investment Property, and Special Valuation Cases
- What is a valuation? What is the difference between an assessment, an appraisal and a valuation?
- What is a business valuation?
- What are the “Big 6” of business valuations?
- What are the “Big 10” of commercial property valuations?
- What are the “Big 7” in the valuation process?
- What are the 7 principles of valuations?
- How does one create, protect and capture value?
- What is the earnings power of a business?
- What are the valuation fundamentals?
- What are the most common errors, mistakes and red flags in valuations?
- What are the fundamental differences in valuing a business from that of a commercial property?
- What are the “Big 10” of commercial property valuations?
- How can valuations help improve the performance of a business and in particular guidance for management?
- What are the four major determinants of value?
- What is the role of valuations in business rescue?
- Why is it important for a company to know the valuation of its business and not only its shares?
- What are the critical valuation considerations for a company or close corporation subject to business rescue?
- What is the role of valuations in buying or selling a business?
- How can valuations contribute to improved future business performance?
- Does the purpose of the valuation influence the valuation process?
- Can valuations help with restructuring of the business?
- How does valuations assist one in fundamental transactions?
- What are the challenges of determining a credible valuation?
- How is the valuation equation defined?
- What is the role of valuations and the business judgment rule?
- Who may value a business?
- What are the main valuation rules?
- How does one value a sole proprietor vs partnership vs close corporation vs company vs business trust?
- What is the difference between a business valuation and share valuation?
- How is tax treated in business valuations and property valuations? what are the applicable taxes and tax implications?
- Is the market value or market price the business value?
- What are the benefits of an independent valuation?
- Can one value a business with no assets?
- What is more critical for a business valuation computation – past historical actual profits or future projected profits?
- What is the difference between fair market value and fundamental intrinsic value?
- What is the difference between market price and market value?
- What does beta mean?
- What is so confusing about a business valuation and an equity / share valuation?
- Why can’t one just do one valuation – a business valuation or equity valuation?
- What are the features of a corporate or business profile?
- What should go into a Shareholders Agreement in relation to valuations?
- How are valuations implicated in the Solvency and Liquidity Test of the new Companies Act?
- How does control impact on the valuations?
- What is the correlation between a minority interest disposal and a Shareholders Agreement?
- Are loans from shareholders debt or equity?
- What is the correlation and impact of the four financial reports of the Annual Financial Statements on the business valuation?
- When one does a valuation for a Non-South African company, what are the considerations?
- Which sections in South African Companies Act, 2008, requires a valuation?
- What is the critical valuation consideration for buying and selling a business, for example, mergers and acquisitions transactions?
- Is there protection for minority shareholders in the event of the sale of their shares at a transaction price below fair values?
- What is the main difference in valuing a profit company from that of a Non-Profit Company?
- What forms part of the hand-over documentation in relation to the sale of shares or member’s interest?
- What are SARS’ requirements for share valuations in an estate?
- How does one value a business and a company for estate duty purposes when the date of death of the applicable shareholder is different from the date of the AFS?
- What adjustments needs to be made in the case of a deceased estate where the valuation of the applicable business or company is different from the date of death, and no financials are available at date of death?
- How does the going concern impact on valuations?
- How important is the period of future earnings and whether the earnings is fluctuating or showing constant growth?
- What are expense items to consider in normalising and adjusting historical earnings?
- What is the correlation between business valuations and the business model?
- Should one value on a post-tax earnings or pre-tax earnings basis?
- When should one use earnings as opposed to cash flow in the business and equity valuation computation?
- What is the impact on valuations if a company has par value shares or no par value shares?
- How does the legal ownership of business entities impact on the valuation?
- Should an equity valuation include the valuation of majority interest i.e. control premium and minority interest, i.e. minority discount?
- What is a desktop valuation? What is a benchmark valuation? What is a rigged valuation?
- What is a blue-chip business?
- What is a valuation due diligence?
- How does one value a book of clients (client base)?
- How are non-productive assets dealt with in a business valuation?
- How does inflation impact on valuations?
- How does one determine the economic life of a business at any point in time?
- When should one base the valuations on forecast earnings as opposed to forecast cash flows?
- What is the window period? What is the terminal period?
- How does one value a business that has not started generating future earnings?
- What are the factors influencing forecast and projected earnings during the window period?
- When does one base the business valuation on earnings as opposed to cash flow?
- What drives the value of a business?
- What are the essential resources: documentation, information and tools, that must be available to do a business and equity / company / share valuation?
- When should one sell or buy the business assets out of the entity as opposed to buying the shares or equity?
- What are the essential steps to valuing a business?
- How can a forensic audit assist in a valuation?
- Does a valuation require a forensic audit or a due diligence audit?
- What is the documentation and information required to prepare a formal valuation?
- What are the key valuation ratios and key valuation indicators?
- What key information needs to be assessed and evaluated in relation to the financial statements of a business that is subject to a valuation?
- What is the correlation between the business life cycle, product life cycle and valuations?
- What are the main valuation assumptions?
- What are the key financial indicators of a business valuation?
- What is the significance of future CAPEX in a valuation?
- Can a start-up be valued?
- How does dividends paid and dividends received impact on valuations?
- Can one value a number of companies within a group by way of the holding company valuation?
- How does gearing impact valuations?
- How can a loan from shareholders of a company or a loan from members of a close corporation be treated for valuation purposes – equity or debt?
- What are the valuation approaches? What are the valuation methods? Which valuation methods should be avoided?
- Why should valuations not be based on EBITDA, Multiples or WACC?
- What is the difference between the cost of capital and cost of equity?
- What are the risk ratios? What are the return ratios?
- How does one determine the company or entity’s business specific risk?
- How does one calculate the expected rate of return?
- What is the difference between the discount rate, fair rate of return, internal rate of return and hurdle rate?
- What is the difference between the return on equity and the cost of equity?
- What is the discount rate and risk free rate for a business valuation and how is it calculated?
- What is the correlation between the cost of equity and return on equity?
- What is the correlation between value drivers and business risk factors?
- What is the difference in the discount rate and the capitalisation rate?
- What is the cost of equity (discount rate) for a private company as opposed to a public or listed company? ?
- Is a valuation of a business based on the cost of equity or WACC?
- What is systematic risk versus unsystematic risk?
- What is the basis of the expected risk premium computation?
- What is the significance of the liquidity and tradeability risk?
- What is the valuation approach when valuing a business that is a going concern as opposed to a business that is not a going concern?
- Why is the dividend discount model or Gordon’s Growth Model not a fundamental equity valuation?
- What are the value drivers of a franchise valuation?
- What is the fundamental difference between an earnings-based valuation as opposed to a cash flow-based valuation?
- What are the determining factors in deciding which primary valuation method to use for a business valuation?
- What is the rule of thumb method? What is the earnings yield method? What is the dividend yield method?
- What is a Price:Earnings multiple method and when should it be used?
- What is the relief from royalty method? What is a transaction valuation? What is the reproduction cost method?
- What is the intrinsic cost method and when should it be used?
- How does one value a business with more than one core operation or operating units?
- How does one value capital intensive businesses versus non-capital intensive businesses?
- What are the unique considerations in valuing an owner-managed business?
- How does one deal with estate duty, deferred tax, dividend tax, SBC tax, CGT in valuations?
- How does one treat an assessed loss or computed loss in the business valuation computation?
- How does one value intangibles, including IP, brands, franchise rights, royalties, patents?
- What is accounting goodwill vs economic goodwill, and what is the basis, justification and computation of economic goodwill?
- What are the main reasons for negative goodwill?
- How should a preference share be valued?
- Should a valuation of a listed company be based on fundamental analysis or technical analysis?
- How does one convert an enterprise valuation into an equity valuation and what is an example of a valuation reconciliation?
- What are the considerations in valuing a farm property which has a farming business?
- What are the types of software business and what are the rules for valuing a software business?
- What are the contents of and minimum information in a Business Valuation Report?
- What are the contents of and minimum information in a Commercial Property Valuation Report?
- Where do valuations fit into an Integrated Report?
- What are the critical considerations when reviewing a business valuation?
- What are the factors influencing real estate valuations?
- Does the financial structure impact on the value of a commercial property?
- What are the valuation methods for valuing commercial property?
- What are the main areas in a commercial property due diligence?
- What are the property specific risk factors that needs to be assessed when valuing a commercial property?
- How does the interest cost on property finance influence a property valuation?
- Is a commercial property valuation on a pre-tax or post-tax basis?
- What are the valuation assumptions for commercial property valuations?
- What are the property risk costs that forms the basis of the discount rate and capitalisation rate for commercial property valuations?
- When should one value a commercial property on the basis of capitalised earnings as opposed to discounted earnings or discounted cash flow?
- What is the property valuation method decision tree?
- What are the valuation methods that can be used to value investment properties?
- Does one account for capital gains tax (CGT) in the property valuation?
- Does one account for dividend tax in the property valuation where a company is to be liquidated or shares to be sold?
- How are the three valuation approaches applied to property valuations?
- What are the value drivers applicable to immovable property?
- What is an economic life of an investment property?
- What are the circumstances where the market approach is used in property valuations?
- How does gearing or leverage affect the valuation of a property?
- Should one value a commercial property on the basis of potential rental or actual rental earned?

Over 550 Questions and Answers | |
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